Examples of creative products (concept graphics) made using the creative workshops of the “Media Literacy Empowered” guidelines. Beyond Borders – Italy in cooperation with Club for Youth Empowerment 018 (KOM 018) – Serbia and Asociacion Socio Culturale VerdeSur Alcala (ASCVA) – Spain implements the project “Media Literacy Empowered” through a series of activities aimed at developing new methodologies and tools to increase media literacy among young people, youth workers and other relevant target groups.
Main objective: To raise young people’s awareness of the importance of media literacy.
Specific objectives:
– To develop new methodologies in working with young people in the field of media literacy and combating oppressive media content.
– To provide youth workers, teachers and educators with a set of new educational tools in the field of media literacy and combating the negative effects of media content.
– Raising awareness of ethical youth media coverage in 3 countries.
The project “Media Literacy Empowered” is implemented in Italy, Serbia and Spain in the period 01.06.2023 – 31.10.2024 and is funded by the European Union through the Erasmus + programme and co-financed by the Italian Youth Agency.