
Beyond Borders from Italy, together with Dream Colours from Czech Republic Club for Youth Empowerment 018 from Serbia, Obojena Klapa from Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Danish Youth Team from Denmark would like to implement project “HERstory” by utilizing creative methods and art, specifically murals in raising awareness and visibility of significant female figures thus promoting importance of gender equality in partner countries.
Project consortium recognizes the full potential of art and culture for educating wider audience on important social issues. Gender related issues are among the most common ones on global levels, and it was important finding tool and outlet for addressing these issues across-borders as artistic expression goes beyond those borders, cultural and language differences. Gender-equality is one of the cornerstones of cohesive and developed socialites, without equal and just representation of women on all social levels and areas there can not be any real social improvement. Women represent half of the human population and still their representation in public life, history, culture, etc. is extremely low. This project wants to address exactly that and by offering concrete tools and methods to contribute to raising awareness and bigger visibility of women who shaped societies which we know today.
Overall aim: To increase visibility of women through art
Specific objectives:
To develop tools for promotion of historical female figures coming from participating countries in the form of collection;
To develop a virtual platform for promotion of female figures coming from participating countries;
To raise the awareness about important female figures coming from 5 countries through artistic expression – murals;
To network mural artists on the European level;