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Call Team Volunteering a Salonicco, Grecia – 14/11/2024 – 13/12/2024

    Nuova opportunità di partecipazione in un progetto Corpo Europeo di Solidarietà con Beyond Borders: Team Volunteering “Irida Women’s Center”

    Posti disponibili per: 2 partecipanti (18-30);

    Dove: a Salonicco, Grecia;

    Date: dal 14 Novembre al 13 Dicembre 2024;

    Hosting Organization: Irida Women’s Center

    The “Empowerment through Recreational Activities and Community Building” project is a 30 days initiative aimed at fostering a sense of community and empowerment for the beneficiaries at Irida Women’s Center. Twelve dedicated volunteers will join forces to organize recreational activities for the women’s community within the center and collaborate on creating unique handmade items for the upcoming Christmas bazaars.

    The proceeds from the bazaar will be used to support programmatic activities or other needs of the Center.

    Project Timeline:
    Week 1: The project begins with an introduction to Irida Women’s Center. Volunteers will get to know each other and come up with ideas for the activities and crafts they’ll be doing.
    Week 2-3: The volunteers will start running the planned activities and crafting sessions. They’ll regularly check in with the women to make sure everyone is enjoying and benefiting from the activities, making adjustments as needed.
    Week 4: The focus will shift to finishing the handmade items and preparing for the Christmas bazaar. The volunteers will help organize the event and ensure everything is ready for a successful fundraiser.

    In the end, this project is about bringing people together, building skills, and raising money to support Irida Women’s Center. Through these efforts, the women will feel more connected, empowered, and supported.

    Provided Seminars
    Task-related trainings and seminars are provided for volunteers by the professionals of Irida Women’s Center, helping them in the effective
    implementation of their tasks as well as to broaden their knowledge and skills. As part of their experience, volunteers will also have the chance to attend media related workshops, or workshops-seminars for social topics, organised by USB.
    Personal Project
    We truly believe that for volunteers the European Solidarity Corps is an opportunity to learn, to improve themselves and to discover and develop their personality and competences. For this reason we encourage our volunteers to develop a personal project besides the daily work for Balkan Hotspot project. With the support of their Mentor the volunteers will develop a concrete personal plan with the objective of creating a personal project based on their own interests and goals.

    Daily work
    The volunteers usually work in shift of 4-6 hours per day from Monday to Friday. The organisation can ask them to work more hours or during the weekends if needed, for a maximum of 35 hours per week. Every week there is a meeting with the Coordinator to check the working plan of the previous week and schedule the working plan for the next week. Individual or group meetings will be organised with the Mentor to talk about their personal project and development. The volunteers have the right to get two free days per month for which they must ask 2 weeks in advance to the Volunteer Coordinator except for very urgent reasons. They will have free days during Greek national holidays too.

    Important: men are not allowed in the center, therefore all volunteers will have to be female.

    Volunteers’ Profile: All volunteers will have to be female. The selection of the participants is mostly based on their motivation and personal interest in the topics of the project. For this particular project, only female participants can be considered due to the nature of the safe women’s center.
    They must be ready to work in a team and to share their daily life with people from different backgrounds. A basic level of English is required for volunteers to implement their tasks and facilitate their eveyrday life and communication. For particular roles in Irida mentioned earlier, fluency in a second language (eg French) may be required, infromation is updated based on the call for the position on each occasion. Volunteers should also be compassionate, patient, and culturally sensitive and have the ability to work collaboratively in a diverse and dynamic environment, or be ready to learn and adapt to this standard.

    Requisiti: Aver raggiunto la maggiore età, essere interessati alle tematiche del progetto.

    Lingua del progetto: Inglese (si richiede un livello basso-intermedio). Non sono richieste certificazioni linguistiche.

    Accommodation: Volunteers are going to be accommodated in a fully equipped building located in the city centre (Anagnostara, 13) near the main bus and train station of the city. It is an autonomous 5 floored building of 150 m2 per floor and a terrace on the 6th floor. There are two living rooms and a big kitchen, showers in the common floors and toilets in every floor. In the building there are also accommodated the volunteers who participate in other projects in the city coordinated by our organisation. Each volunteer will share their room with one or three more people (we have double and big quadruple rooms). In the building are living up to 35 volunteers. More info about the rules are in the residence statute.
    There are also single rooms for people with special needs or for interns. Wireless internet is available in the whole building. The House Manager coordinate the cleanings and the organisation of the spaces in the house and work every morning in the common spaces from Monday to Friday.

    Condizioni economiche: Vitto e alloggio coperti al 100% dall’organizzazione ospitante. Il costo dei biglietti di viaggio sarà rimborsato da parte dell’organizzazione ospitante fino ad un massimo di 275€ a persona. (Le eventuali eccedenze sono a carico del partecipante).

    Donazione: in caso di risposta positiva, per rendere effettiva la partecipazione, ti verrà chiesta una donazione per Membership per Beyond Borders del valore di 40 Euro. La valenza della donazione è ANNUALE. Ciò significa che se parteciperai ad altri progetti di mobilità giovanile (Scambi e Corsi di Formazione Erasmus+) tramite la nostra associazione nel 2024, non dovrai pagarla nuovamente.
    (“Perchè devo versare una donazione per Beyond Borders?” Perché Beyond Borders è una associazione no profit, giovane ed indipendente, in crescita e che si muove grazie a piccoli mezzi, contributi e volontariato, una realtà che opera per i giovani con l’obiettivo della diffusione di una cultura europea oltre i confini!).

    Maggiori info:

    Il Progetto è realizzato nell’ambito del Programma ERASMUS+ promosso e finanziato dalla Commissione Europea.

    Clicca sul seguente link per candidarti:

    Si prega di inviare l’application solo in caso di reale interesse e in corrispondenza con i requisiti precedentemente descritti.

    Solo i partecipanti selezionati saranno contattati via mail e sono invitati a confermare la propria partecipazione via mail entro i termini concordati con l’associazione.
    Per ulteriori informazioni: